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IHSAA Spirit of Sport Award
The Idaho High School Activities Association is pleased to announce the 2015 recipient of the “Spirit of Sport Award”. This year’s winner is Hawk Pruett, a student from Minico High School.
Published: 6/23/2015 1:41:29 PM


The Idaho High School ActivitiesAssociation is pleased to announce the 2015 recipient of the “Spirit of SportAward”.  This year’s winner is HawkPruett, a student from Minico High School.


Hawk Pruett hasbeen involved in numerous activities and club groups at Minico High School hisentire high school career.  He was amanager for the football team for four years, manager for the baseball team fortwo years, editorial staff for the school paper for three years, participatedon the speech team for two years, is involved in his church youth group and 4-Hclub, all while maintaining a 3.30 GPA. Because of complications at birth, Hawk has Cerebral Palsy.  Doctors said he would never walk but hedefinitely proved them wrong and has spent his entire life beating theodds.  While he has had to endurenumerous surgeries and hundreds of hours of physical therapy he has never lethis disability get in his way.  He doesthings all kids do.  When he falls, hegets up and laughs at himself.  Studentsat Minico High school respect and admire Hawk because he is a friend to all andhe tries so hard to be involved in every way possible.

Hawk is such agreat example of overcoming obstacles in one’s life that the administration hashad him speak to numerous student-advisory classes where he shares his storywith his peers.  Last fall the footballteam wanted to give back to Hawk for everything he has meant to MHS, so they setup a touchdown play for Hawk to run during their big rivalry game againstJerome.  Hawk said it was the best day ofhis life!

Hawk is an inspiration to his teammates, coaches, and fellowstudents and is a wonderful example of the true “Spirit of Sport”.  Hawk will be presented with this award at theIHSAA Hall of Fame banquet held in Boise on August 5, 2015.



The Spirit ofSport award recipient must be an individual from a high school that is a memberof the IHSAA.  The recipient must be acurrent coach or student-athlete involved with the schools’ athletic oractivities program.  This award seeks torecognize those individuals who exemplify the ideals of the positive spirit ofsport that represent the core mission of education-based participation.  The award may be given in recognition of aspecific act or for an activity of longer duration.  It could be given to an individual who hasgone beyond the normal everyday expectations of assisting others within theschool or community.  It could also begiven to an individual who has overcome some sort of adversity or challengingcircumstances.

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